Rural entrepeneurship

Rural development in European space, namely in the peripheral countries and regions of Western Europe, is in the centre of many discussions for the definition of public policies at the level of social cohesion, of the strategic territory management.

The new challenges and opportunities pass, more and more, by the revalorization of the natural resources, cultural and human, either by repositioning old uses in which the world is very rich in, or either by creating new products and activities that take advantage of the new technologies and assessment, trying to identify at all levels competitive advantages somehow, re-inventing rurality.

The city looks for what the countryside provides. It has buying power and is getting closer. The fields tend to shift progressively form their initial primitive function of production and food supplying, to leisure, the quality of life and even for the dislocation of certain activities traditionally urban recurring to the new technologies.
In the food production, in the tourism, or in the craft sectors integrating actions, creating synergies, adding value. One strong investment that has it’s base on the quality of the traditional products.

Quality and competitiveness are challenges that have invaded the concerns of the political leaders, business men, organizations, producers and young entrepreneurs. Innovating and entrepeneuring are taken as imperative and key elements for development. Accepting the challenges of modernity, taking advantage globalization keeping rural identity and enhancing it as a advantage in development strategies, is with no doubt a challenge of this beginning of century. The incitement of the entrepeneuring culture is one of the main measures to incite the creation of companies and to make the social-economic development of the rural zones easier.