Rural patrimony
Rural patrimony is an important reminder of the material and immaterial culture of the inner parts of a country and of great part of hinterland of actual urban areas, kwon until the 19th century as Termos in Portugal. Regularly it’s non-landmark patrimony, related to the pre-industrial labor  and the values of the traditional societies, that’s why it’s identification and interpretation is so complex, because this patrimony differs from region to region as the people’s culture, habits and imaginary change slightly.

Besides being imperative knowing it and studying it, this patrimony is a unique qualification and identity affirmation value, having a nice differentiating potential and increasing the regional competitiveness and attractiveness. And it’s getting more and more challenging to integrate it I the regional and local development plans.

In Etnoideia we develop surveys and studies for city halls, development organizations, in a perspective of territorial, environmental rehabilitation and patrimony reconstruction. We have the technical capacity to guarantee an transdisciplinary analysis and meet your goals.