European projects applying forms
The Lisbon and Gothenburg strategies are part of the European union and have as an objective to mobilize the national, regional and local actors to the challenges of the knowledge society and to the environmental and social sustainability issues.

The communitarian funds and not subsidies to the more underdeveloped, classified as objective number 1, but capital for the development of the most competent in the different regions and sectors of activity. Therefore it is necessary to show vision and capacity of panning and execution, even when are are talking of underdeveloped regions, those most of all.

The transnational cooperation is obligatory in these projects, namely in the programs who are directly managed by Brussels. This way, the capacity of choice of credible partners dictates the odds of success. A good ideia whitout partners who belive in it and give guarantees to the European commission that they are able to take them forward is no good in the game of European projects.

Etnoideia has a long experience and international recognizement, at the level of partnerships and project evaluations in with it has participated. Some of these projects have produced prizes and expositions at the European Parlement or even recognizement by the European Comission as good practice  and international dissemination of them. Therefore, we give you a guarantee of competivenesss in the project candidatures we do.

Contact us for the elaboration of your candidature or even for the transformation of it in a European project.

Know more about the communitary funding:

The new European Policy for the Regional Sustainable Development, having as a base the Lisbon and Gothenburg strategies (until 2010):

To become the world’s most competitive economy, with an economy based in knowledge, capable of a sustainable economic growth, with more and better jobs and social cohesion (Lisbon 2000)
Separate the environmental degradation resource consumption of the economic and social development (Gothenburg 2001)

These strategies incorporate 3 objectives of territorial basis, wich determinate the quality, quantity and intensity of the comunitary funding atrubuted to each region. (At the level of NUTII)

Objective 1: “Convergence and competitiveness”
(Regions  with a GDP > 75% the EU25 average)

Productive tissue modernization
Human resources and social integration
Rural development
Public administration modernization and institutional capacitation
Cohesion fund: 10 large infrastructures for 10 countries of the Union

Objective 2:”Regional competitiveness and Labor”
(Lisbon region)
FEDER: Selection electable areas in the member-states
Regional innovation systems, accessibilities, environment and natural catastrophes prevention
FSE: National plans for Labor and social integration

Objective 3: “Interregional cooperation”
(It’s a substitute for the CI – Comunitary initiatives)
Natural recourses management
Access to international networks and markets
Regional accessibility to knowledge