Property Ethnological study
Add value to your rustic or urban property by knowing and documenting it’s history. It is not the same, being a owner of a rustic house in the country or knowing who lived on it 200 years ago, how was the farm and what It used to produce. What marking events have happened in that place and who lived on it.

If you wish to discover more about your rural property, oil mill or mill that exists on it, or even the vine tree or the ancient orchards, do not think twice in contacting us. We are specialized in reconstitution of ancient rural landscapes and certainly we can help you.

For more information send us an email to
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You will contact you whitin 24 hours.

In the end of the study you will receive a portfolio with:

The solicited Ethnologigal and historical study
The rotary of the documental sources and archives
Support bibliography
The description of the parish in which the property was part of in mid 18th Century.
Old region maps
Copies of the most relevant documents
Discovered iconography
A report signed by specialized technicians